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Intranet hierarchy of needs

There are many ways to build a new intranet, or revamp an ageing one. Whatever your approach, your objective must be to create a useful, useable intranet that adds value to your business.

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How Microsoft is integrating Yammer into SharePoint 2013

===update 27th May 2016=== With the demise of Yammer Conversations what looked like quite a cool initiative to bring Yammer comments into Office Docs and vice versa you might be forgiven for thinking that there’s not been much progress in integrating Yammer into the wider Office 365 suite. I just returned from

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Top 10 Search Features in SharePoint 2013

As someone who has been focusing on Enterprise Search in SharePoint for years, I can say I now know it inside out. There are things I like a lot, there are others I dont like too much. In this blog post, I decided to collect 10 new or improved features

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Align your internal and external communications

Marketing communications may seem wholly separate to internal communications, and in turn the marketing team may feel worlds apart from the internal communications team. Yet marketing campaigns are stronger and more authentic when employees are involved. Dont be that company where the staff know less about your news than industry experts.

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