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In today's world, where workforces operate across multiple locations and devices, intranets have evolved to become a business essential, providing organisations with a way to not only stay connected with their employees, but unify and improve all aspects of their internal processes.

At Content Formula, we are market-leading experts in intranets, and with over 15 years' experience and some prestigious awards under our belts, we are known for our fresh and innovative approach that blends technology expertise with an eye for user experience and intuitive interfaces.

What is an intranet?

An intranet is a private network used by businesses to distribute communications exclusively with their workforce, creating a space for collaboration, and a secure location to store information within the organisation.

A well-designed intranet can provide a centralised hub for all the inner workings, information and operations of a business, and can improve and support employee communication, productivity and engagement.

The core functions of an intranet include: Communication - enabling employees across all locations to connect, Collaboration - sharing documents, knowledge and skills, Engagement – providing opportunities and tools for interaction, and Productivity – improving processes, performance and results.

Reasons to utilise an intranet...

Intranets are at the heart of any digital workplace transformation and provide the tools, functionality and interface to revolutionise the way an organisation communicates, collaborates and operates.

Intranets offers such significant advantages to a business that even the smallest of organisation should consider having one.

Workflow management

Intranets often incorporate automated and self-service workflows, enabling businesses to streamline their processes and empower employees to carry out tasks without the need for assistance.

Tasks such as: employee onboarding, booking annual leave, submitting expenses, and carrying out training can all be complete without additional input and requiring minimum resource.

Cross-function Collaboration

It can often be challenging for organisations that span across multiple departments and locations to connect all their employees together.

Intranets provide the perfect environment for the entire workforce, whether they be office-based or remote to work together cohesively, collaborating on projects, and sharing information and documents.

Employee engagement

Employee engagement is essentials for empowering workers, providing job satisfaction and in turn driving a high level of productivity and performance.

Company intranets can provide a place for active communication, enabling employees to stay connected with team members, and communicate a common culture.

Centralise information

Organisations often hold vast amounts of information and documents. When this information is based across multiple locations, it can make it difficult for the wider team to access and benefit from it.

Intranets can provide the perfect place to host information centrally, providing secure access to documents, policies, and knowledge.

Team Communication

Intranets can be paramount in a company's ability to communicate with their workforce, enabling all team members to engage with each other, share ideas, have open discussions and keep each other up-to-date on the progress of work.

Social and communication tools such as forums, blogs, and discussion boards can be used for internal communications.

Find out how our intranet services can benefit your business.

Request a call back with one of our intranet experts, for a free consultation about your business.

Of employees said they're most motivated when management offers regular updates on company news. [1].
Start your intranet project

Save money

A fundamental benefit of using a company intranet is that it increases collaboration and productivity, that subsequently drives a much smarter and more efficient way of working, that ultimately results in less time wastage and higher financial gain.

Speed up productivity

A company intranet can help employees work more efficiently and therefore faster by making information and knowledge easier to find and access, providing spaces and functionality for cross-department collaboration and communication, and streamlining (and in some cases automating) workflows and processes.

Support remote and mobile workers

In today's world, it is increasing common for employees to work remotely, meaning that businesses are dependent on digital technology to keep connected with all members of their workforce.

A mobile- friendly intranet can be fundamental in providing employees with a secure centralised location for keeping up-to-date with company news, communicating and collaborating with the wider team, essentially acting as a virtual office.

Support business objectives

A company intranet can act as an important channel for achieving long-term business goals. It can communicate key business objectives, and drive processes and operations to improve employee performance and encourage better cooperation.

Creating an intranet governance policy can help you formalise your organisational goals and strategy, so that you can refer to them as you monitor performance and milestones.

Promote a healthy workplace culture

Whether working remotely or office-based, intranets can be a great place to unify your team and foster a positive corporate culture by using technology to connect people through meaningful work relationships.

Functionality such as intranet blogs, news sections, forums and even interactive games can inspire employees and prompt them to connect with other team members.

One of the key benefits of a company intranet is that it increases employee engagement and satisfaction, which in turn increase productivity and staff retention.

Our intranet services...

At Content Formula, we can help you with all aspects of your intranet project, from strategy and build, through to implementation and even employee adoption. With market-leading expertise in Microsoft 365, SharePoint and Teams, Content Formula can provide intranet services and solutions to suit all your business needs and objectives.

Our tried and tested agile methodology ensures that we completely understand your business environment and objectives before designing and deploying the right solution.

We provide a flexible approach to meet your individual business requirements. Whether you have only one IT resource or a fully functional IT team, Content Formula’s managed service offering can tailor an approach to suit your business.

SharePoint intranet.

Empower your business and employees with SharePoint's highly flexible and fully customisable intranet platform. Delivering a comprehensive range of features and functionality to elevate your business productivity, communication and collaboration across the entire workforce.

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Teams intranet.

Break down the silos between applications and connect everything together in your Microsoft teams account, with an intelligent and personalised dashboard for news and content. Delivering communication and collaboration quickly and efficiently to all employees wherever the location or device.

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