A comprehensive intranet based on out-of-the-box SharePoint for rapid implementation

Amber Infrastructure

A comprehensive intranet based on out-of-the-box SharePoint for a rapid and cost-effective implementation

Amber Infrastructure is a specialist international infrastructure investment management group, providing a range of expert services. The company works across a variety of sectors including transport, social accommodation and sustainable energy.

In order to drive highly effective communication across eight busy global offices and take full advantage of its investment in Microsoft 365, the company was seeking to rapidly implement a SharePoint intranet.

A rapid implementation

The company engaged Emperor, a London-based digital agency, to deliver the new intranet. Recognising our extensive SharePoint intranet expertise and drawing on successful collaboration on previous projects, Emperor got in touch with us to steer the technical aspects of the project.

In order to meet a very ambitious launch schedule and keep costs low, the team at Amber Infrastructure signed up to Content Formula’s SharePoint Intranet Accelerator Essential package - a service to rapidly implement a SharePoint intranet.

A complete intranet with no customisations

The package chosen by Amber Infrastructure delivers all the essential, core capabilities of a modern intranet, but relies solely on SharePoint out-of-the-box with no customisations.

This not only allows all of Amber Infrastructure’s 120 employees to access a highly successful and attractive intranet, but also one that is easy to manage and future-proofed with close alignment to the Microsoft 365 roadmap.

Working in partnership

Working in close partnership with the Amber Infrastructure and the Emperor team, we ran a requirements workshop to scope out intranet requirements, discuss options and understand branding preferences.

Based on the workshop outcomes, we executed the technical set-up, and then prepared and tested the intranet before running a training session to hand over the intranet to the Amber Infrastructure team in order to upload content. We provided ongoing support up to the launch, with the whole project delivered in just four weeks.

A hub for news and information

Amber Infrastructure’s new intranet is already proving to be an essential resource. The attractive design uses the familiar designs of SharePoint modern blended with Amber Infrastructure’s logo and colour palette.

Staff access news on the homepage with an eye-catching carousel and can find essential updates and information across a number of department and team pages. Other popular homepage features include a world clock and a calendar of global events and holidays.

The go-to place for knowledge

The intranet is also providing one source of truth for company knowledge. A central policy library means employees can always find the latest version of key documents. A special section for starters allows new hires to hit the ground running on their first day, while a brand portal provides access to brand guidelines and digital assets.

A comprehensive people directory based on Delve ensures staff can find their colleagues and locate company experts, driving better communication. Amber Infrastructure are also delighted with SharePoint’s powerful out-of-the-box search capabilities, helping employees find the information they need quickly and effortlessly.

Ongoing support

To continue to ensure the intranet remains successful, Amber International has signed an on-demand support agreement with Content Formula so they can leverage our expertise when they need it, rather than breaking the bank every time they want a helping hand.

Working together

Reflecting on the success of the project, Dan Hawtrey, Content Formula’s Manging Director and Founder, comments: “It’s great to see a highly effective intranet get up and running in weeks. SharePoint out-of-the-box provides exceptional opportunities for small and medium-sized companies to launch an excellent corporate intranet at a fraction of the normal cost and effort. We’re thrilled that the team at Amber Infrastructure chose to sign up to our SharePoint Intranet Accelerator Essential package.”

"Content Formula could not have made the process run any smoother. They kept ourselves and Amber Infrastructure reliably informed throughout the project while answering anything and everything we asked in a prompt, friendly and knowledgeable way. The final product is great, met all client requirements and was delivered on time and budget. We look forward to our next engagement with the team at Content Formula."

George Gibbons, Digital Analyst, Emperor

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