Custom-built SharePoint intranet

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Custom-built SharePoint intranet.

SharePoint is an excellent platform for delivering high impact intranets and digital workplace solutions, however, the straight-out-of-the-box solution can often lack the specific features and functionalities required by organisations.

What is a custom-built SharePoint intranet?

SharePoint is often regarded as the most popular technology for corporate intranets, providing a wide range of features and functionalities that enables organisations to achieve seamless collaboration and unity across their digital workplace.

However, despite it's powerful capabilities, the SharePoint straight-out-of-the-box offering has some significant limitations and short falls, all of which can impact the overall success of an intranet. Examples of this include:

Missing features and gaps, particularly relating to web parts that support internal communications and employee engagement

Limited options for branding, formatting and design both across the site, but also at the individual web part level

Difficulty establishing governance across the intranet to support good publishing standards and a consistent user experience.

A custom-built SharePoint intranet can overcome these limitations and functionality gaps. It can utilise Sharepoint's robust base technology, whilst also offering applications and integrations that are tailored to an organisations specific needs.

At Content Formula we are experts in designing and developing custom-built SharePoint intranets, that can unleash a business's full potential. We listen to our clients requirements, identify opportunities to optimise, and deliver a unique solution that ticks all the boxes.

Connecting people everywhere, anywhere...

A SharePoint intranet brings together the entire hybrid workforce regardless of whether they're office-based, remote or frontline workers.

The benefits of developing a custom-built SharePoint intranet...


Tailored functionality.

Off-the-shelf solutions can only provide limited functionality, where as a custom-built solution is limitless, providing tailored functionality that is bespoke to a business's unique needs and requirements. This can provide the opportunity to improve business efficiency and growth.


System integration.

A business works best when systems connect and automatically work together. Custom-built solutions can be designed to integrate with a number of new and existing processes, without the need to conform to the limitations of an arbitrary API.


Flexibility and scalability.

With a custom-built SharePoint intranet, there is opportunity to continuously develop functionality as per the changing needs of the business. This also includes developing functionality to scale business processes for future growth and innovation.

The types of custom-built features we develop for SharePoint intranets...

We build in bespoke features and functionalities that elevate a SharePoint intranet to the next level.

We can also integrate your intranet with Microsoft 365, Teams and other internal systems that enable teams to work together seamlessly on cases, projects, policies and customers.

Automation and efficiency

Microsoft 365 provides many opportunities to use automation and workflow, helping to improve processes, drive efficiencies, increase accuracy, minimise risk and more. If you have processes which are currently too reliant on email and file shares, or still even use paper, then there are almost certainly opportunities for automation.

Reporting and dashboarding

Power BI is an exciting tool which can produce attractive dashboards and reports, and bring together information from multiple sources into one place. Reporting apps can help drive insights which support real-time decision making. We've developed numerous dashboards for clients, as well as reporting dashboards as part of other apps.

Knowledge and learning

Some apps are created to manage content, knowledge or learning resources, and to provide employees with quick access to information. For example, we built a powerful bespoke central policy library that was suited to the specific needs of the Institute for Cancer Research. Chatbots can also help connect employees to content and knowledge.


Microsoft 365 has a stack of collaboration tools including Yammer, Teams and Team Sites. There are many possibilities to customise these to suit your processes and ways of working. For example, we added a unique knowledge management solution to Microsoft Teams for !What If?, allowing teams to easily share the most valuable documents containing knowledge from projects.

Mobile solutions

We build business apps based on Microsoft 365 for mobile devices, that can be used by frontline or mobile employees who might not have easy access to a computer during the day. For example, Content Formula has developed a mobile news app for field workers. Thanks to Microsoft’s own mobile apps for Flow and PowerApps it’s become very easy to deploy custom mobile apps.

Customer apps

Although most business apps for Microsoft 365 tend to be for employees, it's also possible to develop apps specifically for a business client base or customers. For example, in our work for Moving Made Easy, our solution was designed to send PDF reports automatically to customers. There are now plans to extend the system for direct customer access.

Core operational systems

Sometimes an app is so central to what your organisation and employees do, that it's really a core system. With our award-winning work for property company Moving Made Easy, we created an entire digital workplace designed around the different stages of selling a property, replacing a creaking legacy system and driving significant headcount efficiencies with integration and automation.

Enhance existing tools

Sometimes you want to use tools from the Microsoft 365 suite, but perhaps they don't quite work in the right way for you. Sometimes a little customisation can go a long way and really add value. For example, we enhanced the use of Microsoft Teams for innovation company !What If? so that spaces can be automatically archived and aligned to the company's project management methodology.

Find out how our custom applications and integrations can benefit your business.

Request a call back with one of our development experts, for a free consultation about your business.

We can help you build a world-class custom-built SharePoint intranet ...

At Content Formula, we develop custom-built SharePoint intranets to meet an organisations individual needs. Our bespoke SharePoint solutions can help companies streamline their business processes and deliver tangible outcomes and measurable results

Custom-built SharePoint intranet options

Requirements workshop  
Information Architecture planning  
Content planning    
Configuration and setup:
• Requirements workshop
• Policy library
• Department pages
• Out Company pages
• Quick links
Launch support  
Our custom-built SharePoint intranet services...

At Content Formula we plan, design and develop custom-built SharePoint intranets, that are tailored to your business needs. Our tried and tested agile methodology ensures that we completely understand your business environment and objectives before designing and deploying your intranet

We are SharePoint specialists with vast experience in developing custom-built SharePoint intranets, bespoke applications and integrations for clients across multiple sectors to help improve their internal communications, employee engagement and collaboration.

We provide a flexible approach to meet your individual business needs. Whether you have only one IT resource or a fully functional IT team, Content Formula’ managed service offering can tailor an approach to suit your business.

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