Detailed user research and technical discovery to transform the digital employee experience

Legal & General

Detailed user research and technical discovery to transform the digital employee experience

Evolving the digital employee experience

Legal & General is a multinational financial services company offering insurance, asset management and other services. With a strong heritage and brand, the company has invested to dramatically improve the customer experience across it’s various digital touchpoints.

Legal & General now wants to take the same approach to create a powerful and personalised digital employee experience across the UK business that will help staff achieve goals and feel part of one company.

Currently employees have different digital experiences depending on which part of Legal & General they are based in; multiple versions of Office 365 are deployed, and digital workplace maturity varies. The team are considering numerous improvements, including investing in a new group-level Wizdom intranet. There are also opportunities to identify cost savings and drive efficiencies.

Identifying the opportunities and the challenges

In order to develop a strategy and roadmap to transform the digital employee experience, Legal & General engaged Content Formula to undertake a detailed research and discovery project to gain a thorough understanding of the needs of users, and identify the opportunities and barriers presented by the complex technical landscape.

Carrying out detailed workshops and interviews

Working closely with the Head of HR and the Head of Group Digital, we sought to understand how different user groups worked across the organisation, what their pain points were and what their vision for a compelling digital employee experience might look like.

We carried out six workshops across the country, featuring a cross-section of employees from customer-facing roles through to content owners using the intranet. We also undertook a series of detailed user interviews.

Interviewing stakeholders and legacy intranet review

Senior stakeholders were also interviewed and contributed to the workshops, making sure we were aligned to the strategic objectives of Legal & General’s management.

Additionally, we carried out a heuristic review of the current intranet and legacy CMS, as well as absorb previous research carried out by the digital workplace team.

the technical landscape

We undertook a detailed technical discovery exercise, reviewing where each entity was on its own digital workplace journey, and the relative state of maturity. We considered factors such as levels of adoption as well as critical elements such as security and privacy concerns.

A detailed report with strategy, roadmap and recommendations

We produced a final report with findings and recommendations for a digital workplace strategy. This included a high-level roadmap and recommended approach, identifying three phases starting with focusing on the foundations needed to truly deliver the best digital workplace possible.

We also identified specific opportunities and challenges, including use cases for Office 365, areas for customisation, how to advance collaboration and detailed recommendations for deploying the new group Wizdom intranet.

A firm understanding for the future

Our findings have already been very well-received. Legal & General now has a deep understanding and detailed recommendations for the next stage of their digital workplace journey and are actively planning the programme of work that will transform the company’s digital employee experience.

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