Announcing Content Formula Wizdom intranet partnership

We are very excited to announce that we have agreed to be the sole UK partners for Wizdom intranet.

Wizdom is an off-the-shelf intranet for SharePoint from Denmark. We strongly believe that its the best product in a fast growing market. We approached and evaluated many different vendors (with the help of the independent intranet-in-a-box report* by Clearbox Consulting) and Wizdom was the obvious choice for us.

Why do we like it so much? First, its a mature product that is suitable for small organisations and large enterprises alike. There are well over 200 installations around the world in companies ranging from less than a hundred employees through to ones with over a 100,000! This sits well with our own varied customer base.

Second, Wizdom is a really flexible system. Being a Danish-made product the analogy with Lego building blocks is particularly apt. It comes loaded with plenty of tools and apps right out of the box. Theres no need to reinvent the wheel. But Wizdom is also a framework that sits on top of SharePoint and so gives us the option to build completely custom yet integrated components when the need arises. Some of the intranet-in-a-box options on the market are very rigid and dont provide anything like the same levels of extensibility.

Third, we really like the ease of use of the system. Not just for end-users but also for intranet managers and content managers who no longer have to struggle with complex SharePoint. Weve always believed that handing power to these stakeholders is vital so that they can build and deploy new pages and tools just by using point-and-click configuration and without recourse to developers. Companies want the power to rapidly build prototypes, test them and improve them. Wizdom opens up this agile way of working for companies.


Over the next few weeks and months we will be integrating Wizdom fully into our offering to customers alongside our bespoke intranet services. We believe that its a winning product that when coupled with our own award-winning methodology for intranet strategy, user experience design and SharePoint development expertise will give customers a top quality, state-of-the-art solution.

There are plenty of other reasons we love Wizdom. If you want to hear more about how Wizdom compares with the competition, then get in touch and we can talk you through it and show you a demo. In the meantime, check out our Wizdom UK page.


*Clearbox Consulting rated Wizdom as one of the best not only in its free 2015 report, but also in its expanded 2016 report.


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