Video: Build or buy your intranet? Off-the-shelf versus custom build


The digital workplace features high on the list of priorities for companies going through digital transformation. Many are re-assessing their intranet, understanding that it can make a serious difference to their efforts in terms of social, collaboration, adoption and employee engagement. The intranet is often seen as the thing that ties the digital workplace together. It’s the organisational operating system.

What are the key points and questions to consider as you choose your intranet technology? In this structured walk-through of the arguments we’ll help you decide.

If youve got Office 365 as your digital workplace platform or if your company is running SharePoint on-premise a key consideration will be how to move forward with your intranet. In the last couple of years SharePoint off-the-shelf intranets have become more and more popular and many companies have jumped on board. However, custom build has not gone away – we still see lots of companies going down this route for a variety of reasons.
In this webinar we answer the following questions:
– What are the pros and cons of each approach?
– What are the risks?
– What are typical costs?
– What about support and other ongoing costs?
– A quick look at the off-the-shelf market
– What are the typical functionalities offered by intranet-in-a-box products?
– What to look for in an off-the-shelf product?
– Is there a middle way? Can you build and buy?
– What are the factors in your own business that may point to a specific solution?
– What should small companies do?
– What should large companies do?


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