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SharePoint design


8 great examples of company intranet homepage design

Intranet homepages are important. To achieve a truly successful intranet that keeps users on the site and engaged, in addition to serving information in an intuitive and user-centric way, both design and user experience (UX) elements must come together seamlessly.

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SharePoint web parts

What are SharePoint web parts and how do I use them?

In this article we take a deep dive into the world of SharePoint web parts. We’ll cover what they are, the different kinds of web parts there are, what a custom web part is and the kind of value that custom web parts can bring to a SharePoint Internet.

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SharePoint intranet design best practices

In this article we look at how to approach your SharePoint intranet design. We cover why it is so important, the factors that will influence it and need to be taken into account, and finally some key approaches for success.

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How to use the SharePoint Lookbook

The SharePoint LookBook is a publicly available site provided by Microsoft, that contains design ideas and templates that can help you start to build your own SharePoint site. In this article we explore what the SharePoint Lookbook is, why it is useful, the kind of templates it contains, and what to consider when using it.

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Intranet homepage design

Seven must have SharePoint web parts

In this post we look at seven must-have web parts or features that appear on multiple homepages. To help illustrate these, we’ve included a screenshot (with dummy content) of a global intranet based on SharePoint Online

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10 SharePoint intranet FAQ

We’ve assembled ten key questions (and answers!) about SharePoint intranets covering everything from what SharePoint actually is to how to build a SharePoint intranet to accessing it through Microsoft Teams.

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SharePoint intranet design best practices

In this article we look at how to approach your SharePoint intranet design. We cover why it is so important, the factors that will influence it and need to be taken into account, and finally some key approaches for success.

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SharePoint design examples

SharePoint design examples. TALK WITH US watch our most recent video showcasing the latest 2023 SharePoint intranet examples and read the accompanying article for

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