With more than 19 million weekly users just two years after launch, MS Teams has taken the world by storm. As an intuitive tool for teamwork and collaboration its not hard to understand that the application is adored by users.
Deploying MS Teams in your organisation, however, requires careful planning and consideration. As teams in MS Teams per default can be created by any user, policies must be in place to avoid:
- An enormous number of MS Teams and Office 365 workloads created.
- Lack of control in what is being shared externally from MS Teams.
- Clutter of inactive teams resulting in low findability and discoverability.
- More teams created for same purposes.
- Users working in silos in different teams.
Have you already deployed MS Teams and are experiencing some of the issues above? Dont despair! We will also cover how you can gain control over your Office 365 self-service environment even long after a MS Teams rollout.
In this webinar we have covered how to establish automated processes for governance to ensure MS Teams is rolled out to make the workday better for each employee in your organisation.
Learn how:
- to define fixed standards for teams creation and provisioning,
- to maintain and keep your Office 365 self-service environment tidy,
- to establish a healthy teams lifecycle.