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AIA insurance saves money and time with Yammer

How to measure Yammer ROI – AIA Insurance from Business Goes Social

Too many people still think ‘social’ means chatting, when in fact social communication simply means talking with colleagues across the organisation in order to get things done.

The technology used to support social networking and collaboration is important insofar as you want your internal social network to be easy to use, but it’s the use that you put it to that’s vital.

At AIA (very large life insurance company across Asia-Pacific region) they found that help desk requests were flooding in at an unmanageable rate. This meant that actuaries were delayed in doing their actuarial work. But you know how people are; if we can ask a colleague and get instant help, we can get more done, faster.

But when someone becomes known for being helpful, they can spend their time replying to the same sort of ‘help’ emails day after day. There’s a better way, and Virpi Oinonen has sketched the journey that AIA, under Bob Crozier, took to create a community of users – sharing the load and helping each other. Take a look at the presentation.

The lesson is that a focused purpose for your community or enterprise social network is the key to driving adoption and getting a return on your investment. If we can help you integrate Yammer into your intranet, and daily practices, drop us a mail. Take a look at our Yammer and SharePoint work for Johnson Matthey.

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