#MSIgnite2019: Microsoft announces major upgrades to the Power Platform

Today, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella unveiled a host of features for the Power Platform that are going to be rolled out to organisations over the coming months. Having already introduced over 400 new capabilities just a few weeks ago with the 2019 release wave, Microsoft seem to be keeping in line with their promise to help organisations drive more impactful business outcomes and take more proactive actions that will uniquely position and differentiate businesses in the fast-evolving market.

Microsoft Flow is going to be renamed to Power Automate to align better with the Power Platform – with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) being added to create automation solutions that cover AI, APIs and UI. UI Flows are going to allow organisations to record certain processes such as a human filling out different fields in a form and then use this recording in a Flow to automate that task, running it hundreds or even thousands of times.

Microsoft Power Automate UI Flows dashboard.

Power Virtual Agents will also be coming to the Power Platform (currently in preview). These are a no-code / low-code way of delivering intelligent chat bots allowing for ‘citizen developer’ scenarios in organisations. They enable subject matter experts in your organisation such as customer service, sales, marketing, finance, or HR to easily create virtual agents using a guided, point-and-click graphical interface without the need for data scientists or developers. Customer service questions and other types of external or internal inquiries at an organisation can be serviced by a virtual agent, freeing up staff to focus on more complex tasks.

• Microsoft Power Virtual Agents Dashboard .

A host of new security enhancements for Power BI, that add industry leading data security capabilities no matter where your analytics data is used and accessed.

Tighter integration between the Power Platform and Microsoft Teams bringing the worlds most popular collaboration app and Power Platform closer together.

A new set of pre-built models for AI Builder that add even more advanced AI models to Power Automate and Power Apps that are available to everyone.


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