Author: Joe Perry


10 SharePoint intranet FAQ

We’ve assembled ten key questions (and answers!) about SharePoint intranets covering everything from what SharePoint actually is to how to build a SharePoint intranet to accessing it through Microsoft Teams.

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10 reasons why a SharePoint intranet is your best option

There are a number of options when choosing an intranet platform. We think these options will begin to reduce as SharePoint is clearly emerging as the no-brainer choice, especially if you are using Office 365. Find out why a SharePoint intranet deserves the top position in your intranet shortlist.

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How to use the SharePoint Lookbook

The SharePoint LookBook is a publicly available site provided by Microsoft, that contains design ideas and templates that can help you start to build your own SharePoint site. In this article we explore what the SharePoint Lookbook is, why it is useful, the kind of templates it contains, and what to consider when using it.

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