Robust policy management with Wizdom’s handbook feature

Providing access to company policies and procedures is an important feature for intranets. The majority of companies recognise that the intranet is the perfect way to deliver this information to employees. Companies that have a streamlined approach to policy management reduce their compliance risk and improve their productivity.

Wizdom has a feature called Handbook that allows you to maintain and access policies, procedures, guidelines, handbooks or manuals on your intranet. Its a powerful business app that lets you keep policies in a hierarchical and searchable menu structure.


The app allows your employees to easily find and access business critical information either by search or by navigating the menu. But, just as importantly, it allows editors to easily manage and edit the documents too. Editors and content owners are given a dashboard that advises them about the status of the policies that they are responsible for. The system notifies them, and employees, when the policies are due for renewal or re-approval.

The Handbook app includes the following:

  • Mandatory Read. Policies can be targeted at groups of people and alert them that they are required to read the information
  • Relevant Read. Policies can be suggested to certain groups of people that they may be of interest to
  • Employees can mark policies as read or save them to read later
  • Page templates makes it easy for editors to manage and edit documents.
  • Revision history and version control make it clear what changes have been made to policies over time and when
  • Revision dates ensure that outdated content or content that is being edited is clearly marked
  • Wizdom forms can quickly and easily be embedded directly within the pages allowing employees to start a process – like booking a maternity leave, for example.
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  • You can even add a simple test that appears at the end of policies, to ensure that employees have read and fully understood the information.


To learn more about Wisdom, read our article about Wizdom intranets most popular feature: news engine

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