Wizdom customers receive awards at the IntraTeam Event 2018

Last month the IntraTeam event 2018 took place in Copenhagen with Wizdom as Platinum sponsors! As always, we enjoyed meeting so many digital workplace interested people and show them the Wizdom product. This years event was one for the books, as Wizdom came home with not only one, but both the first and second price. This once again proves that the hype and all the awards given for the Wizdom platform are well deserved.

We wish Wizdom’s customers The National Police of Denmark and Danish Cancer Society a big congratulation on the winning. We look forward to continuing the collaboration so that their Wizdom Intranets can grow and evolve with the people using them.

This is the second year in a row that the solution winning is based on Wizdom, which we are extremely proud and delighted about.

The original article was published here

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