Month: January 2023


SharePoint lists: The Beginner’s Guide

SharePoint lists have been a core feature of SharePoint for many years. But if you’re relatively new to SharePoint lists or don’t use them as much as you could do, this beginners guide will give you all the information you need to start utilising them to best effect.

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15 digital workplace statistics you need to know for 2023

In this post we explore fifteen key digital workplace statistics for 2023 that you need to know. These are all from authoritative sources, can be used in a presentation or business case, and cover different aspects of the digital workplace from technology adoption to employee engagement to intranet team size!

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What is the digital workplace?

The digital workplace is a term that is commonly used in conjunction with Microsoft 365 projects, intranets, collaboration platforms and other similar enterprise solutions that support collaboration, communication and engagement. In this post we explore some of the different definitions.

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