Wizdom intranet’s most popular feature: “news engine”

Wizdom intranet features a unique relevance engine that revolutionises news and information management distribution across the whole intranet. The engine includes both Corporate News (for official, corporate comms) and Noticeboard (for more informal comms and messaging).

At the core of the news engine is an information classification engine that automatically makes the content more relevant to employees depending on their job roles and subscription preferences.

Corporate News

This Corporate News webpart has been set up to display as 'metro' style
This Corporate News webpart has been set up to display as ‘metro’ style
News articles can contain related content, social, video and even other webparts
  • Wizdom Corporate News allows content creators to easily broadcast engaging corporate messages.
  • News includes modern page templates and can be managed through approval workflows and scheduled publishing.
  • The news is visually engaging and supports rich media such as images and embeded video (Office 365 video, YouTube, Vimeo etc.)
  • An easy-to-use picture editor makes it quick for editors to add pictures and ensure they are scaled to the right size.
  • Editors can choose to highlight corporate news on the homepage in a variety of formats including a carousel, cards, thumbnails etc.
  • A news archive makes it easy to find older news through search.
  • The corporate news templates allow you to include any of the SharePoint and Wizdom webparts and embed them in an article. For example, you can add a form or an FAQ to a news article.
  • Editor can choose to have likes and comments on news articles.
  • The news articles can be filtered by tags that you define and are relevant to your organisation.
  • Next to the article you can see related news, related documents, related people and related pages based on tags.
  • The author of the articles is displayed which allows staff to contact the right person about the content.


Make sure that information is shared with all relevant employees and eliminate mass distribution email messages. Wizdom Noticeboard offers editors as well as end users an intuitive experience that makes writing, commenting and reading announcements available to everyone in your organisation.

The Noticeboard can be set up to display messages from just one or multiple channels
Before posting a message the user must choose a channel to post to
The post message pop-up window on Noticeboard is super-easy to use
  • Wizdom Noticeboard personalises the information flow, only showing news that is relevant for the user.
  • Noticeboard is easy to use and allows you to open news publishing and messaging to a broad user-base without the need for training.
  • Noticeboard is made up of different channels. Channels can be made mandatory for all or for a selected groups. Or they can be made subscription or a mixture of both. It’s even possible to have hidden channels that are only visible to certain employee groups.
  • See an overview of the most widely read messages, most commented messages and most heavily subscribed news channel.
  • Noticeboard offers a variety of intuitive options to control the visual look of messages including support for images, videos and links.
  • Choose between a selection of Noticeboard webpart templates and display news in various ways. If you want your own customised look and feel, you can easily create your own Noticeboard template in the Wizdom Configuration Center.
  • Employees will receive new items in their notification panel every time a relevant new message or comment is published. This will draw their attention to new information that is relevant to them personally.
  • Social features – likes, comments, @mentions and notifications ensures that more people are involved in producing and reading intranet news.
  • The sender of a Noticeboard news message can choose to enable social comments and likes on their message.
  • Noticeboard also allows you to show news from external sources as part of the intranet news stream.
  • Video can be integrated into news by embedding Office 365, YouTube and Vimeo videos – allowing for employee generated video.
  • Manage news through approval workflows and scheduled publishing.
  • The Wizdom news archive offers filtered search to find older news.

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