In the second of our series on planning your new intranet, John goes deeper into the discovery phase with end user interviews. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more.
John Scott, UX Director
+ 44 20 7471 8500 | [email protected] | LinkedIn
At Content Formula, we advocate a user centred design approach; we involve users in the very early stages of the intranet project, because it’s vitally important to get people involved in the design of your new intranet, in fact we involve them in just the second step of the project.
We carry out a number of interviews, or sometimes we call them depth interviews. We do this by coordinating ten to twenty different people across the organisation that represent a good cross section of levels of seniority, different departments, regions or countries. It’s not a scripted interview per-se, but there are certain topics and themes that we want to cover and discuss with employees.
Our aim really is to discover more about their role, the information they need access to, and who they talk to and in what way.
We’re not asking them to design the intranet for us, in fact what we’re getting is insight so that we can make better decisions about what the right intranet looks like.
The personas we develop are fictional but they do provide us with a realistic representation of typical users across the business; they’re something we can always refer back to throughout the project so that we can make better decisions about how we design the intranet and make sure all users’ needs are catered for.
View John’s next video: defining information architecture.
View John’s previous video: stakeholder interviews.
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